I know this is a finance-related blog but I’m compelled to vent about something that has bugged me my whole career…the dreaded annual performance review…anyway… I was just readng Felix Salmon’s latest post, and found a sentence that I always believed in but thought I was the only one (mainly because it was just personal …
Category Archive: Uncategorized
Jan 29
Fureyous.com.au …new domain name and a couple of teething problems
I’ve just set up www.fureyous.com.au as my new domain name so for any old michaeljfurey.com links they should automatically redirect to the new domain. Unfortunately, I may have lost a few subscribers so please resubscribe if you didn’t receive this post via email. Also, I may have lost my RSS feeds which were linked to …
Jan 19
I used to have an Email Subcription link on this site but I’ve only just realised that it didn’t work…I’ve fixed this by installing a Follow button that should appear on the bottom right of your screen. So if you want to be notified of my new posts please click on Follow and sign up! …
Nov 15
Spanish and Italian 10yr Bonds getting worriesome again
Just a quick note to say that Italian 10yr bond yields are heading towards 7% again and Spanish 10yr bond yields are consolidating above 6%. These two sovereigns are waway too big to be saved and I really do believe the European situation is heading towards catastrophe…I don’t see an appropriate solution coming soon. The …
Nov 10
Euro Breakup…very painful indeed
The reasons why the Euro is a failing concept have certainly been well documented and spoken about. Basically, without a fiscal union, monetary policy and a single currency are instruments that are too blunt to aid struggling countries when other countries are experiencing different levels of economic growth and/or inflation across Europe. For example, the German economy, which …
May 23
WordPress.com to WordPress.org
I’ve had a go at improving the capability of my blog by moving to wordpress.org and unfortunately have lost many of my previous links. So if anyone clicks on any search terms found on google they may not work but can still be found here by searching within this site. My apologies for any inconvenience. …
Feb 16
Noticable Drop in Margin Calls??? Derr
Perhaps I should read the article but I just saw the headline in today’s investor daily that margin calls have declined. I hope noone got paid to do a report on this phenomenon as I believe the fact that markets are at 10month highs really says it all. I guess when you throw in the …
Feb 01
Insurance Embargo
I noticed a piece in the paper today about insurers not insuring anyone at the moment. Just thought I’d share my personal experience…my girlfriend and I purchased a property last week (so I guess the property market is now set for a significant fall) and even though the contract is not unconditional yet we are …
Mar 01
Reuters Poll – Westpac disagrees with itself
Fascinating that St George and Westpac, supposedly the same company now, have differing opinions on what the RBA is going to do tomorrow. Clearly, there’s no economic department merger yet! Send article as PDF
Mar 01
Reuter’s Poll for tomorrow’s RBA Meeting
Reuters Consensus / Forecasts Economist – RBA Rate ( % ) AMP – 4.00 ANZ – 4.00 Barclays – 4.00 Citi – 3.75 CBA – 4.00 Deutsche – 3.75 4Cast – 4.00 GSJBW – 4.00 ICAP – 4.00 JP Morgan – 3.75 Macquarie – …