I’m writing this on Boxing Day and unlucky me is recovering from Covid for the second time in 2022 (Week 1 and Week 52) and during this first sentence I think I have sufficient energy to write a few thoughts on cryptocurrency…so here it goes… Two or three years ago I was on stage at …
Tag Archive: Currency
Mar 19
The decline of the Aussie … almost halved in value since July 2011
The above interactive chart shows what the latest crisis events have invoked on the Aussie dollar. At the time of writing trading around $0.57US which is down from a high in July 2011 around $1.10US … so almost half. Unfortunately for our currency this is what happens when crises occur … investors run to the …
Jul 12
A fascinating correlation…and why the Aussie dollar may have declined
Source: Delta Research & Advisory, RBA Firstly the red line represents the US dollar/Aussie Dollar (RH Axis), so as the chart shows the US Dollar has strengthened since around the middle of April (so you can ignore the AUD label). The other line is the difference in yield (or spread) between the Australian 10 …
Apr 30
To Hedge or not to hedge?…MSCI provides an answer
Interesting paper by MSCI Research came out eaarlier in the week about hedging…click here. Its US centric with some interesting analysis and but the basic conclusion should apply to any country. i.e. basically over the long run currencies revert to the mean resulting in no real difference, but over the shorter term currency effects can …